CORRECTED - Technology Reshapes America's Classrooms - - Annotated
- cut discipline by 30%--wow! - post by khendon1985
- Neat program. I wish the kids could bring laptops home as has been happening in Maine - this extends benefits beyond the students to their entire families. - post by bill01370
- Hey Bill and Kim!
Glad to see you guys here! I still don't have this totally figured out yet---I can't see the annotations that I left on this page yesterday.
But using this Diigo sidebar has helped because now I can at least see you guys!
This definitely has potential for schools, Bill. I'm planning on using it with my PLC to reflect on shared articles.
I think they'll naturally translate the ideas to their classrooms.
Rock on,
Bill - post by plugusin - I like the idea of the school -- but the story has that "Future's so bright you gotta wear shades" feel. It would be really interesting to write about it, as a way to see how close to this reality it comes! - post by johnnorton
Free teleprompter/autocue service. Cueprompter - The online prompter.
- CuePrompter is a free teleprompter/autocue service. Your browser works like a teleprompter - no extra software needed. - post by bigfellow
This project is a production of the 7th Grade Class at Cary Academy. While learning about electricity and conducting battery and elaborate circuitry experiments, the students chose electricity topics or historical figures in history, researched their their topics, and then developed scripts for their podcasts. Using Audacity, the students mixed their audio files with music. A rubric was used to guide the students regarding the creation of their audio file.
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